Friday, September 5, 2008

Dream Reader

I read dreams.
I listen intently to the words spilling from your mouth. The ones fighting to be made free.

I listen to your thoughts, watch your actions and put them together to form a nice, pretty picture. I force them to make sense.

I smell your fear and I taste your inclination to avoid the inevitable. I feel your passion, yearning to break free from the ordinary and predictable events of yesteryear.

I am I know you. I know your feelings. I know both your successes and your fears.

In spite of it all, I believe in you. I know the heights to which you will soar if you will just allow yourself to let go of what "they" say you should do with your time...with your life. I have seen the mountaintops to where you will travel just as soon as you accept your differences and grow comfortable enough in your own skin to stop allowing "them" to abuse you...mentally, verbally, emotionally.

I know where you are going...I hear it in your voice. I see it in your actions. I feel it in your dreams. You are well on your way. And you when you get there, you will have scars from the battles you had to fight to get there. But you will make it.

How do I know it? Because I saw it in my dreams.


Unknown said...

I enjoy reading your posts, but I wanted to let you know that I particularly enjoyed this one. The first sentence made me want to keep reading to find out the source of your knowledge. I found myself racing to get to the end to see how it would turn out. The ending? Short, sweet, and simple. My conclusion? I love it! Keep up the good work!

Who is Natisha? said...

Thank you. Is your blog not public?

Unknown said...

I don't have a blog. In order to make your profile visible, it seems as though you have to sign up for a blog. I didn't even pick this name for E Blogger. It's something I picked when I opened my gmail account. I guess the two are connected somehow.

Anonymous said...

this one is great. It allowed me to get in touch with my inner voice. truly uplifting. keep up the great work. love ya zaneta