Self righteous? Sometimes...I'll admit it. But sometimes the people around me make me want to SCREEEEEEEEEEAM!!!!
The people who care more about Oprah's segment on puppy mills than the number of poor and homeless in this city. The people who would rather focus on making money and advancing their portfolio than donating time or even THOUGHT toward something larger than themselves. The people who talk about pure nonsense ALL day long.
Lord give me strength...
When I give you a plugger on a program that will keep youth off the streets so that they WON'T try to jack you for that nice car you're indebted for the next 10 years for, you look down on me. But in the very next breath you're inviting me to some party? You wear your oh so gorgeous fraternity paraphernalia to the workplace, but when I ask you when your next service project, you give me the $h!* face.
Where have I been? Has the world always been this way? Has my head really been THAT far in the clouds that I couldn't see what was going on around me? I realize I'm ultra positive - sometimes to a fault. But is it really this bad out here? I mean do you mean to tell me that NOBODY wants to be part of the solution? Instead, they'd rather be part of the problem?
If you're watching someone drowning and instead of trying to give them a hand, you simply stand there and stare or even worse turn your back on them, aren't you just as guilty as the person who pushed them into the pool? Why not?
My head hurts sometimes when I'm at work just listening to the ignorance that's spewn around me. Tuition for this online university is going for $60k for a Bachelor's degree. $60k!!! And you want to give me a packet filled with reasons why the latest tuition increase is justifiable? Give me a break!
We are meeting a need for some...I'll give you that. But is what we're offering really work sixty thousand dollars? Somehow I don't believe it. I can't force myself to believe that I'll have LESS THAN $60k total for both my undergrad and grad degrees and yet this school that I work for is worth HALF that. Come on now!
Okay now you know...I HAVE to get out of here! I'm trying my best to move on. I mean I'm literally ITCHING to make a difference in someone's life. But no one's hiring me!
Later on, i'll come back and edit this and put a positive spin on it. But not right now...I'm not in the mood.
1 comment:
honestly i don't think you could place a positive spin on this post, even if you tried. This is really how the world is. For the most part it is, anyways. Just so backwards that nowadays "going backwards" is considered moving forward.
lol @ Lord give me the strenth.
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